
Don and Sandy Keen

Don and Sandy Keen


Auction Date:

Friday, 10/06/2017

Start Time:


Auction Location:


Auction Type:

Antique Farm Memorabilia and Collectables
Farm Equipment

Auction Website:


 4.5 miles southeast of Verndale
on County Roads #112 and #77, then ½ mile east on 494th Street; OR being
5 miles east of Hewitt or 16 miles southwest of Staples, MN on MN State #210, 
then 1.5 miles north on County Tar #77, then ½ mile east on 494th Street (dead end)
to farm. Follow the Mid-American Auction Co. signs; roads will be plainly marked.


John Deere Tractors
Hay & Forage Eq.
Livestock Equip.
Farm Machinery
Gravity Boxes
PTO Generator
Pickup, Trailers
Collectibles, HH
Tools, Misc.


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