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Harvest Finally Begins in the Last 3 Corn Growing States

10 Sep 2023

Harvest is officially underway in all 18 of the top corn growing states. Monday’s Crop Progress Report published the first harvest numbers for North Dakota, Ohio, and Pennsylvania. All three states are significantly behind the five-year average for this point in the growing season.



USDA says farmers in North Dakota had just shy of six days suitable for fieldwork the week ending October 2. Just 3% of the state’s corn has been harvested, trailing the five-year average of 7% and last year’s pace of 17%.

Corn condition was rated 2% very poor, 6% poor, 31% fair, 54% good, and 7% excellent.

Soybean harvest is further along in North Dakota, but is also late compared to a typical year. USDA says 26% of the satay’s soybean crop is out of the field, a jump from 5% the week prior. The five-year average for this point in the season is 31%. Last year at this time, North Dakota farmers had 45% of soybeans out of the field.

Soybean condition was rated 2% very poor, 5% poor, 35% fair, 52% good, and 6% excellent.



USDA says farmers in Ohio had about five and a half days to make harvest progress the week ending October 2. Corn harvest progress was reported at 7%, trailing the five-year average and last year’s pace of 10%.

Corn condition was rated 4% very poor, 9% poor, 23% fair, 55% good, 9% excellent.

At 13% complete, soybean harvest is slightly ahead of corn in The Buckeye State. Progress is still behind the five-year average of 19% and last year’s pace of 20%.

Soybean condition was rated 4% very poor, 9% poor, 23% fair, 58% good, and 6% excellent.



Pennsylvania farmers also had five and a half days of weather suitable for fieldwork the week ending October 2. Despite Mother Nature’s cooperation, just 2% of the state’s corn crop has been harvested.

The five-year average is 15% and last year at this time Pennsylvania farmers had 6% of their corn out of the field.

Corn condition was rated 0% very poor, 8% poor, 25% fair, 40% good, and 27% excellent.

Pennsylvania is not one of the top 18 soybean producing states.

Article written by https://www.agriculture.com/news/crops/harvest-finally-begins-in-the-last-3-corn-growing-states


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