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Kawasaki Updates Its Visual Identity In Preparation For 50th Anniversary

10 Sep 2023

imageMarch 1, 2016 marks the 50th anniversary of Kawasaki’s presence in America As part of the commemoration of this corporate milestone, Kawasaki is pleased to introduce an all-new visual identity to the brand, which will be featured at dealerships nationwide this fall.

The all-new visual identity represents a significant update to current signage and reflects the brand’s global identity. The new signage will stand out, featuring white lettering on a contrasting black background with distinctive Kawasaki Lime Green stripes underneath. This will be highly visible and easily recognizable for customers seeking dealerships. The transition to Kawasaki’s new visual branding will begin this month in selected markets, with the aim of having all dealers complete their installation by the end of the year.

Kawasaki Motors Corp., USA /



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