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Managing For Rootworm Problems Before Resistance

10 Sep 2023

imageWe recently had a customer report rootworm problems in a Bt corn hybrid, which suggested rootworm resistance to the trait.

Rootworm resistance to the transgenic Cry Protein (Cry3Bb1) is the main component of Bt resistance and has been observed in Illinois, Iowa, Minnesota, Nebraska, and South Dakota.

Farms that grow continuous corn year after year, or have short rotations with corn, are becoming key candidates for setting up rootworm resistance scenarios.  This provides a good reminder that relying on agronomic fundamentals may be just as effective, or more so, than traits.

Continuous corn and short rotations with corn (even corn after beans) can greatly increase rootworm and other pest problems.

The two main types of rootworm to be aware of are Northern and Western Rootworm. Western rootworm usually hatches earlier, and has shown resistance to the Bt trait in the Midwest.

To learn more about management methods head over to

Article written by Dave Wilson


Farmers Hot Line is part of the Catalyst Communications Network publication family.