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Remote Management Systems

10 Sep 2023

Every spring we start the yearly battle with water management anew. Each year, certain states have a surplus of rain—to the point of causing safety hazards and damaging crops—while others, like California, can’t seem to catch a break.

Although the weather is unpredictable, at some point within the growing season the majority of farmers will have to manage their irrigation efforts. A remote management system for your irrigation equipment can save you time, money, and help to conserve precious water commodities.

How it works

Remote management systems are helping to bring precision to agricultural irrigation. With a data connection and a smart phone, tablet, or desktop computer, you can now receive real-time updates from your irrigation equipment.

Some of the common options include:

  • Remote command and monitoring of multiple pivots, laterals, end guns, and irrigation wells
  • Record flow and pressure
  • Monitor and control soil moisture probes
  • Program positions and start and stop times

All of the major irrigation pivot companies in the US have this technology available for branded equipment. There are also multiple technology companies that offer remote management systems that work with any brand, age, and capability of irrigation equipment, offering a wide variety of options for growers.

Some remote management systems have built-in anti-theft components. These alert the owner when something or someone is tampering with the irrigation equipment or the electrical system. This technology is proving useful in thwarting copper theft. 


There are numerous benefits, both seen and unseen, when using a remote management system for your irrigation needs:

Time – With a remote management system, you no longer have to visit each irrigation system to start or stop operation or monitor pressure and status. This leaves time for other aspects of your operation.

Money – Being able to access your pertinent irrigation information from anywhere you have a data connection can cut down on labor as well as the fuel costs associated with visiting each irrigated location. Remote access can also help eliminate any unnecessary use, which can help lower maintenance costs.

Water conservation – At the push of a button, you can turn off the water flow to your field, allowing the conservation of water whenever possible. Additionally, by using the information that remote management systems collect operators can see if they are watering areas unnecessarily.

How to get started

A good place to start with any major purchase is to decide on a budget and to research different brands and options before making a decision. Talking with your area irrigation equipment dealer can help point you in the right direction.



Article written by By Melissa Bintz


Farmers Hot Line is part of the Catalyst Communications Network publication family.