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Shivvers Now Has Drying Capacities Up To 1600 Bushels Per Hour

10 Sep 2023

imageTake your grain drying to a high level with a Shivvers Performance System. No other drying method matches the performance of Shivvers in-bin continuous Counter-Flow Drying.

With a Shivvers Performance System you'll experience:

  • The fully automated COMPUDRY™ Command Center controlling precise drying and all grain transfer functions.
  • Achieving the most precise moisture content.
  • One of the industry's most energy-efficient systems.
  • Higher test weights.
  • No more over-drying.
  • Capacities up to 260,000 bushels per week. Shivvers brings the benefits of advanced drying technology as well as maintaining high capacities.
  • Systems backed by over 40 years of experience designing and manufacturing energy-efficient grain drying equipment for both large and small operations.


Shivvers Manufacturing, Inc. • (800) 245-9093 •



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