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StopSensor Wins Sterling Standard Award at Canadian Farm Progress Show

10 Sep 2023

imageTrailer alignment technology StopSensor was recently honored with a Sterling Standard Award for Innovation at the 2013 Western Canada Farm Progress Show. The award recognizes creative innovations in the agriculture industry and the minds behind them. The awards jury at the Western Canada Farm Progress Show, which was made up of some of the most prestigious industry experts in North America, recognized the great potential of StopSensor.

StopSensor aids in the loading and unloading of trucks by helping to precisely align trailers. Drivers are notified instantly when they are on the mark, eliminating the need to rely on a spotter or the tedious practice of repeatedly exiting the cab to check their position. The result is significant reduction in the amount of man hours needed to effectively load and unload trucks. Spillage and waste are also reduced while safety is increased, which can be a great boon to a trucking company’s bottom line.

StopSensor •


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