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Top Five Recommended Fall Irrigation System Maintenance Tips

10 Sep 2023

The growing season doesn't end with harvest. Taking care of your irrigation equipment now will prevent costly repairs and downtime next year. Give your center pivot a checkup so it will be ready to roll when planting season arrives.

To help you with post-harvest maintenance, Valley® offers its Top Five maintenance tips:

1. Wheel Tracks - Be sure to fill deep wheel tracks during the off-season to reduce stress on irrigation, tillage, and harvest equipment. To help prevent future tracking, consider changing to a different type of tire, adding floatation, or modifying the sprinkler package to reduce water application to the wheel tracks.

2. Drive Train - To maximize the life of your drive train and keep it operating trouble-free, drain water from the wheel gearbox and center drive, and make sure the gear lubricant is at the appropriate level.

3. Pipe Flushing - Flushing your pipeline and cleaning your sand trap is essential, especially if you either have water quality problems or your irrigation water contains sand.

4. Moving Parts - Steel moving on steel without proper lubrication can lead to unnecessary wear and tear on irrigation equipment. Be sure to grease all moving parts, including the pivot point bearing, towable hubs, corner rollers, and legs.

5. Schedule Your Preventive Maintenance Check - Our Valley dealers offer winterization programs for all brands of pivots. From inspections and tire pressure checks to sprinkler package replacement, your dealer will ensure your irrigation equipment is in top condition and prepared for winter.

For more preventive maintenance tips, visit our website.

By: Valley Irrigation, Growing the Conversation


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